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Bartomeu Tugores Truyol

  • Despatx DA124 / Associatsprimer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Bartomeu Tugores Truyol

Associate Professor UIB

Department of Public Law

Dispatch DA-205

Academic Background

Law degree from the UIB.

University Specialist in Urban Planning Law by the UIB.

University Specialist in Local Law by the UIB.

University specialist in Urban Violations by the University of Valencia.

Teaching career

He has taught in graduate studies in law, Degree in Law, Degree in Tourism and Degree in Building since 2004 at the UIB.

He has taught at the Postgraduate Course in Urban Planning Law at the UIB.

He has taught Administrative Law at the School of Education of the City of Palma.

Research career

Co-author of the following anthologies:

'Comentaris a l'Estatut d'Autonomia de les Illes Balears', publisher 'Thomson-Civitas'.

'Comentarios a la Ley de Ordenación y Uso del Suelo de las Islas Baleares', publisher Tirant lo Blanch.

Author of the study: 'Algunas novedades de la Ley 2/2014, de 25 de marzo, de ordenación y uso del suelo de las Illes Balears y su reglamento de ejecución para la isla de Mallorca en materia de disciplina urbanística: régimen transitorio, prescripción e infracciones de uso'. Published in the journal 'Práctica Urbanística' (Ed. La Ley), november 2015.

Other merits

He has lectured in various courses, conferences and seminars.

Professional experience
Actually, managing director of the Urban Discipline Agency of Mallorca.

City Planning Manager of Palma in the period 2008-2011.

Head of the Andratx Town Planning Department in the period 2013-2015.

Secretary of the town hall in Consell (2002-2003), Muro (2003-2007) and Andratx (2011-2012).


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11952 - Legislation and Procedures
  • Master's Degree in Construction and Architectural Renovation2022-23, 2023-24
20369 - Law
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