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Dr Antonio Conde Tejón

Dr Antonio Conde Tejón
Senior lecturer
Commercial Law
  • Despatx DA111primer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
  • Despatx DA130 / Director dep. Dret Privatprimer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Professor in Commercial Law at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Degree in Law with Honours, Phd in Law with Honours. Secretary of the Faculty of Law (2004-2008). Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law (since 2013).
Main lines of research: Companies law, insolvency law, tourist contracting. Participation as main researcher or member of a research group in several research projects. Research periods at Göttingen and Münster Universities (Germany). Visiting lecturer at Toulousse University (France).


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20413 - Company Law
20414 - Criminal Procedure
20418 - Obligations and Contracts
20432 - Final Degree Project in Law
20469 - Electronic Commerce and Internet
  • Degree in Law2022-23
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)2022-23
20490 - End of Degree Project
20532 - Legal Protection of Tourists
  • Degree in Tourism2022-23
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2022-23
21231 - Banking Law and Insurance
  • Degree in Business Administration2020-21
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2020-21
22532 - Final Degree Project in Labour Relations
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