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Dr Marta Isabel Marcos Moreno


Brief CV

Marta Marcos is an associate professor at the Department of Physics of the University of the Balearic Islands and a researcher at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), a joint centre between the UIB and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). Her main research interests, during and after her PhD, has always been directly linked to sea level variability, from high frequency time scales up to long term climatic changes. After she got her PhD in 2004, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of La Rochelle in France (2005-2006), funded by the French administration, and at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in the UK (2006-2007), funded by a postdoctoral fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Education. In 2008 she joined IMEDEA as a "Juan de la Cierva" fellow and during 2009- 2017 she was a "Ramón y Cajal" fellow (5 years contract plus 2 more of extension) also at IMEDEA. She has participated in 7 research projects with national funding (in one acting as coordinating PI), 6 international projects (including 2 as PI) and 11 smaller research actions with either national or local funding (6 as PI). Besides, she has taken part in 6 contracts with companies and public entities. At present, she has published 85 papers in JCR journals, of which 75% are highly ranked journals (Q1) and she has an h index of 24. She has also co-authored other 18 peer reviewed publications not included in the SCI. She has participated in 160 contributions to conferences (half of which have been oral presentations) and has delivered 16 keynote talks at international conferences. She is a member of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts, a member of the EuroGOOS task team for tide gauges and a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sixth assessment report for working group 1. She acts as a reviewer in several international journals, including high impact ones. She has supervised 3 PhD theses to completion and is currently supervising two others, expected in 2023-24; she has also supervised a MSc thesis and several other MSc research works. She has developed teaching activities during the doctoral period as well as during the last 9 academic courses, both to undergraduate and masters in Physics at UIB. She has also participated in field work, including 6 oceanographic surveys and a coastal field trip acting as coordinator. She has been actively engaged with the organization of seminars and international conferences

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Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11277 - Waves and Instability in Geophysical Fluids
  • Master's Degree in Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23
  • Master's in Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics2019-20
20101 - Physics
20353 - Mechanics
21008 - General Physics Laboratory
21028 - Experimental Physics II
21054 - Physical Oceanography

Office hours

Friday 8:00-8:30 and 16:30-17:30. Alternatives dates can also be agreed.


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