Dr Alicia Magdalena Sintes Olives

- 971259834 (9834)
- Despatx 006planta baixaComplex Balear de Recerca i Desenvolupament Tecnològic
- Despatx F106primer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Física)
Brief CV
Alicia Sintes (full professor) joined the University of the Balearic Islands as an associate professor in 2002, and initiated the group's participation in the GEO and LIGO Scientific Collaborations. Since 2002 she has been the PI for the group's participation within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and a member of the LIGO-LSC council. She is also a GEO executive committee member, and was the co-chair of the LIGO-Virgo Continuous waves data analysis search group (2016-2018). Currently she is member of the LIGO Science Program Committee.
Sintes has been a Marie Curie Fellow and later as a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Germany. Her research focuses on the field of gravitational wave astronomy. She is an expert in the comissioning of interferometric detectors, and in the search for gravitational waves from neutron stars and black holes binary systems. Sintes has extensive experience in developing code for the LIGO Algorithms Library software infrastructure, developing and running actual searches, and pioneering parameter estimation studies for the space mission LISA. Furthermore, she has led different investigations within the LIGO and GEO collaborations and contributed to the distributed computing project Einstein@home. She has been member of the LIGO Data Analysis Council, as well as an internal referee of LIGO's 'continuous waves' and 'compact binaries data analysis' working groups.
Sintes was also chair of the working group 'GEO detector characterization working group' (2001-2004), member of the 'Spanish LISA Data Analysis Group', named the Spanish representative in the 'LISA Data Analysis Steering/Study Team' by LISA ESA's Project Scientist and co-chairman (along with Curt Cutler of Caltech/JPL) of the LISA Parameter Estimation Taskforce (2007-2010). Also, Sintes is co-author of the 'Einstein Gravitational Wave Telescope conceptual design study' and the 'Fundamental Physics Roadmap' of ESA. She has been member of the European Space Agency's Fundamental Physics Advisory Group (2007-2009) and of the Fundamental Physics Roadmap Advisory Team (2009-2010) developing recommendations on the Cosmic Vision program. She has also been a member of the board of directors of the "Sociedad Española de Gravitación" since its foundation in 2003 until 2007, and is currently a member of the Committee of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (2019-2028), and Nominating Committee ISGRG (2013-2019).
Sintes has managed several research projects. She is PI at the UIB of PID2019-106416GB-I00, and the Spanish representative of several cost actions, PI during 2 years of the "Red Temática de Relatividad y Gravitación", various complementary actions, an integrated action and a project of the infrastructure program. She has participated in numerous international conferences, given seminars by invitation and specialized courses. She has organized various congresses such as IGWM 2018, LVC waveforms face-to-face Meeting 2018 Einstein Toolkit 2017, ERE2015, NRDA 2013, CoCoNuT 2012, LISA Astro-GR@Mallorca 2011, IGWM 2011, etc., in addition to many outreach activities. Sintes was the secretary of the Physics PhD program at UIB (2013-18) and she is the secretary of the "Institute of Applied Computing with Community Code" (IAC3). She is editor of the journal "Astroparticle Physics".
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 21010 - Differential Equations I. Degree in Physics - Majorca.
- 21044 - Tensor Calculus and Groups. Degree in Physics - Majorca.
- 11269 - Gravitational Waves. Master's Degree in Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics.
- 11297 - Mass Data Processing Techniques. Master's Degree in Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics.
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
11269 - Gravitational Waves | |
11297 - Mass Data Processing Techniques | |
11309 - Research Seminars | |
21010 - Differential Equations I | |
21044 - Tensor Calculus and Groups |