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Dr Maria Isabel Ripoll Perelló

Dr Maria Isabel Ripoll Perelló
Tenured contract lecturer
Catalan Philology
  • Despatx CC09segon pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

Palma, 1977. PhD in Catalan Philology by the University of the Balearic Islands (2012) with the thesis introductory study and critical edition of the Book of intention Ramon Llull, led by Dr. Gabriel Ensenyat Pujol. Degree in Catalan and Linguistics from the same university (2000). Assistant Professor Dr. accredited by the AQUIB (2013). Member of the Research Group consolidated Coditecam II of the University of Barcelona; History Project member of the Catalan language (GRHILLC) Medieval Studies Group at the UIB (GRESMED). Since 2006, Magister Maioricensis Schola Lullistica. Coordinator of the Càtedra Ramon Llull, University of the Balearic Islands (2003-2007 / 2013). Secretary of the Editorial Board of the journal Studia Lulliana. Member of the editorial board of the journal Lluc, member of the Publishing Committee of the Patronat Ramon Llull and member of the editorial board of the Collection Blaquerna.
Since October 2007, Professor of the Department of Catalan Philology at the UIB. Since then, she has taught in English Studies, Teacher of Catalan and also teaches workshops in Catalan UOM. She teaches in the Master of Teacher Training (Màster de Formació de Professorat) from 2012-2013. She is the coordinator of the area of ​​Catalan for university entrance exams (PAU). For five years (2001-2006) taught middle level of Catalan courses for adults in the Balearic School of Public Administration (Conselleria d'Interior of the Government of the Balearic Islands). She has done work for adaptation and translation into Catalan textbooks for publishing Vicens Vives and Casals. Also collaborating in various publications literature (dictionary definitions Llull, Antoni Febrer i Cardona: theater versions; audiovisual archive of the Catalan dialects of the Balearic Islands, Alcover, M. Costa Llobera and its aesthetic languages time; Dictionary of Theatre of the Balearic Islands, among others) has published several articles and reviews in national magazines (Lluc, Language and Literature, Studia Lulliana, Romance Studies) and international (Zeitschrift für Katalanistik), the result of research Lullism fields and medieval Catalan literature.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10643 - Educational Research and Innovation
10704 - Master's Thesis
11795 - Catalan Language Normative: History and Critical Analysis
11798 - Readings and Debates on Mediaeval Catalan Literature
  • Master's Degree in Linguistic and Literary Competence: Research and Teaching2023-24
11804 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Linguistic and Literary Competence: Research and Teaching2021-22, 2022-23
20709 - Normative Language II: Units
  • Degree in Catalan Language and Literature2022-23
20710 - Origin and Interrelationship of Romance Languages
20714 - Historic Catalan Grammar
20726 - Final Degree Project
20740 - Philological Editing and Analysis of Catalan Texts
  • Degree in Catalan Language and Literature2022-23
22102 - Catalan Language
22126 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education I
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education


Research groups

Group Membership type
Group of Manuscripts' Study and Editing (GESEM) Member
Mediaeval studies (GRESMED) Collaborator
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