Dr José Luis Mateo Hernández
- 971171349 (1349)
- Despatx DA116primer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Brief CV
Tenured contract lecturer. Department of Private Law. Commercial Law. Universitat de les Illes Balears.
Bachelor of Law and Higher Graduate in Legal Sciences from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (ICADE). Doctor of Law from the Universitat de les Illes Balears and Contracted Professor of Commercial Law at this university. Specialist in ICT Law.
Since 2000, he has been teaching courses initially in subjects related to Commercial Law in the Bachelor of Law, Business Administration and Management, and Economics degrees, as well as in the Business Sciences Diploma. Subsequently, he continues his teaching work in the Law Degree. He also participates as a lecturer in UIB's own postgraduate programs in subjects related to Commercial Law (Company Law, Insolvency Law, and Mediation), Digital Marketing, and University Teaching Techniques. Additionally, he was the Director of the University Diploma in International Hotel Management offered at the Escola d'Hoteleria de les Illes Balears (School of Hotel Management of the Balearic Islands) from 2011 to 2015.
Director of the Escola Hoteleria de les Illes Balears (School of Hotel Management of the Balearic Islands), Faculty of Law Secretary from 2016 to 2018 and Deputy Director and Secretary of the Department of Private Law from 2018 to 2023.
He has received training in teaching-related aspects (Moodle platform, cooperative work, or social bookmarking, among others) and has directly participated in innovation and teaching methodology projects. Additionally, he actively participates in the Digital Classroom platform, prepares and updates materials, and implements the use of social networks in the study of Law.
He has taught courses in third-cycle studies related to electronic payment methods.
He has taught at the Universitat Oberta per a Majors (UOM) as well as in various courses at the UIB Summer University.
Specialist in topics related to Law applied to ICT, e-commerce, electronic payment methods, banking law, and tourism law.
Participant in various national and European research projects related to Law and Information and Communication Technologies (ECLIP Project and European Commission Project on new electronic payment methods), and involved in the study of other areas of Commercial Law such as Company Law or Insolvency Law, participating in other research projects (Spanish Insolvency Law, Lex Mercatoria and Uniform Law, and New Regulation on Structural Modifications).
Research stay at the University of Miami culminating in the publication of the doctoral thesis "Dinero electrónico en Internet. Aspectos técnicos y jurídicos" Additionally, he has published articles on Company Law and e-commerce.
Speaker at various Congresses, Conferences, and Seminars, especially in the fields of E-commerce.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
20408 - Introduction to Business Law | |
20432 - Final Degree Project in Law | |
20490 - End of Degree Project | |
20531 - Final Degree Project in Tourism | |
29929 - Tourist recruitment |