Dr Alberto José Sesé Abad
- 971172575 (2575)
- Despatx 261segon pisMargalida Comas i Camps
Brief CV
Albert Sesé (MD and PhD) (Spain, 1970) is a Full Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Balearic Islands University. He held various academic management positions for 13 years, as for example Full Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He also regularly participates in expert panels for quality management in academic institutions of higher education. His teaching expertise area is Methodology of Behavioral and Health Sciences, and specifically Psychometrics. His teaching career started at 1995 in the University of Valencia and continued to the present in the Balearic Islands University. Prof. Sesé teaches degree, master, and doctorate level subjects such us applied and advanced statistics, and of course, basic and advanced psychometrics.Dr. Sesé obtained the First Extraordinary Award of the Bachelor of Psychology (1994), the Third Spanish National Award on Psychology (1995), and the Extraordinary Award of Doctorate in 2004. He also was the Early Career Award of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) in 2008. He was nominated as the Best Psychologist in Spain for 2016. He also is the recipient of the STAR Lifetime Career Award of the year 2020. In November 2023, he received the "Carta de Poblament de la ciutat de Torrent" his professional achievements.His dedication to research in psychology is well represented by a large number of competitive projects and grants. He has been recognized with 4 six-year periods of excellent research by the 'Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Foresight'. Currently his main dedication is focused on the study of evidence-based practice in Psychology, the study of anxiety and attitudes toward statistics, adolescents drug consumption and prediction models of suicidal behavior in university students. Dr. Sesé is principal investigator of the Data Analysis Research Group (GRAD) of the UIB, and PI of the PSICOMEST group of the Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IDISBA).As major affiliations, Dr. Sesé is Former President of the STAR, Former President of the European Association of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences (EAM), member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of the Methodology of Behavioral Sciences (AEMCCO), and member of the International Test Commission and the Royal Psychometric Society.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10128 - Master's Thesis | |
10502 - Ergonomics and Psychosociology Speciality | |
10722 - Psychometric Techniques for Validating Constructs | |
11026 - Master's Thesis | |
11912 - Quantitative Research Techniques and Tools for Data Analysis |
21315 - Psychometrics | |
21360 - Evaluation of Psychology Programmes |