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Dr Daniel Cardona Coll

Dr Daniel Cardona Coll
Senior lecturer
Applied Economics
  • Despatx DB213segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Associate Professor in the Dept. d'Economia Aplicada at UIB. Ph.D. in Economics (IDEA program) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1997).

He currently teaches the courses on Microconomics for the grade in Economics and the grade of Bussines Administration at the UIB.

His research interest is the analysis of the strategic interaction in collective decision processes. His work has been published in journals as the Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Social Choice and Welfare, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization or Public Choice, among others.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11506 - Contemporary Topics in Tourism and Environmental Economics
  • Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2021-22
20490 - End of Degree Project
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)2021-22
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
20605 - Microeconomics
20606 - Economic Data Analysis
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2022-23
20614 - Industrial Organisation
  • Degree in Economics2019-20
  • Double degree in Economics and Tourism2019-20
20619 - Information Economics
20629 - Final Degree Project in Economics
20630 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Economics
22228 - Education Economics
  • Degree in Pedagogy (2009 syllabus)2020-21
  • Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus)2020-21


Research groups

Group Membership type
Conflict and Strategic Interaction (CIE) Main researcher


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