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Dr Maria Magdalena Brotons Capó

  • Despatx AD04planta baixaRamon Llull
  • Despatx Vicerectora de Projecció Cultural i Universitat Obertaplanta baixaSa Riera


Brief CV

Palma, 1972. PhD in Art History from the University of the Balearic Islands. PhD Thesis published by G9 Ediciones under the title 'The cinema in France 1895-1914, a reflection of the visual culture of an era (2014)'.
After finishing his degree in Art History at the UIB, she completed a period of study at the Sapienza University in Rome. Between 1997 and 1998 he worked at the Ministry of Education and Culture, developing educational projects for museums and exhibitions organized by the Government. She also worked in the didactic department of Fundació la Caixa (now Caixaforum) between 1996 and 1997. Co-founder of the cultural management company TRES. Cultural Services in 1997, an activity she left shortly after joining the UIB as an assistant in the Department of Historical Sciences and Theory of the Arts in 1999, where she is currently a full professor.
His research basically focuses on two areas. At first he worked on contemporary art. He won the Ciutat de Palma Research Prize in 1998, with a study published under the title 'Sculptures of Palma' (El Far editions, 2000). We also highlight 'Sculpture in the Balearic Islands in the 20th century' (Documenta, 2001), as well as articles and texts for artists' catalogs. As for cinema, his research has focused on the period of origins, as well as cinema and the visual arts. He has also worked on the origins of cinema in the Balearic Islands and cinema in relation to the tourist promotion of the Balearic Islands. He coordinated the XXXV Conference on Local Historical Studies of the IEB 'Film and Audiovisual Studies'. Archives, tourism, territory, advertising and industry'. He is part of the Scientific Committee of the International Seminar on the Background and Origins of Cinema (UdG-Girona Film Museum).
He teaches the Degree in Art History, and the Film History course at the Open University for Seniors (UOM). He has taught at the UIB Master's in Heritage.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20254 - The Mass Media and Audiovisual Languages
20258 - History of Cinema
20279 - Final Degree Project in History of Art
20286 - Practical Placements on the Degree in History of Art
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