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Dr Marc Andreu Morell Tipper

Dr Marc Andreu Morell Tipper
Associate lecturer
Social Anthropology


Brief CV

Marc Morell is employed as researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology of Universitetet i Bergen (UiB), where he also teaches sessions in the course Capitalism, Anti-capitalism and Post-capitalism.

With a PhD in Social Anthropology, received from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Marc has been employed as part-time lecturer and researcher at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), first at the Department of Philosophy and Social Work and after at the Department of Geography. Among others, he has taught courses in Social Anthropology, Urban Anthropology, Anthropology of Tourism, Anthropology of Migrations, Geographies of Globalisation, Rural Geography and Territory and Society.

Acknowledging the methodological challenge of combining ethnography with social theory, Marc examines the class character of the production of space in market society. He has recently developed the concepts of class gap and urban labour, which have allowed him to look into gentrification, not as a spatial expression of previously precipitated classes but as a constitutive moment in their making.

In recent years, Marc has expanded these insights to the tourist commodification of housing in the context of the sharing economy and, by drawing on the reference of late Jeremy Boissevain's work on urbanisation and tourism, he now explores the current housing of classes in offshore Malta within the larger periphery of pleasure the Mediterranean has come to be.

Besides being a researcher at the already mentioned Frontlines of Value Project at the UiB, Marc collaborates with the research groups Sostenibilitat i Territori and PRAXIS, both at the UIB, and the Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusió i Control Socials at the UB.

Marc has carried out field research in Majorca, Catalonia and Malta and he has been a visiting researcher at the Università ta' Malta, the University of Manchester, Queen's University Belfast and the Universität Leipzig. Finally, Marc is affiliated to different professional associations and working groups. At present, he is member of the Board at the Institut d'Antropologia de les Illes - IAI, where he previously served as Secretary.

His most recent publications include: «Not tourism-phobia but urban-philia» (in Boletín de la Asociación de Geográfos Españoles 83, 2019, with Blanco-Romero, Blázquez-Salom and Fletcher); «Turismo y diferencial de renta» (in Cañada and Murray, Turistificación global, Icaria, 2019); «'Una casa deshabitada no es en realidad una verdadera casa'» (in Milano and Mansilla Ciudad de vacaciones, Pol·len, 2018); «Urban tourism via dispossession of oeuvres» (in Focaal 82.winter, 2018); and «The class gap in gentrification» (in Albet and Benach Global Capitalism and Processes of Regeneration, Routledge, 2018).

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Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20937 - Urban Anthropology and Citizen Studies


Other research groups beyond the UIB

Research Group on Social Exclusion and Control (GRECS), Universitat de Barcelona - Membership type: Collaborator
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