Dr Marcos Nadal Roberts
- Despatx 236segon pisMargalida Comas i Camps
- Vicerector de Planificació Estratègica, Internacionalització i Cooperacióplanta baixaSon Lledó
Brief CV
ORCID code: 0000-0002-9341-4688
(Palma, 1975) Degree in Psychology (2001) and Doctor in Humanities and Social Sciences by the University of the Balearic Islands (2008).
He is part of the Department of Psychology of the University of the Balearic Islands (2006-2012, and from 2015), and was part of the Department of Psychology of the University of Vienna, Austria (2012 to 2015). He is currently Profesor Contratado Doctor and teaches in the Degree of Psychology and the University Master in Human Cognition and Evolution. He has supervised 3 doctoral theses in the Doctoral Program in Human Cognition and Evolution.
He is a researcher at the Human Evolution and Cognition Group, and focuses on the psychological and brain mechanisms involved in aesthetic and moral evaluative judgments. His research is aimed at understanding the perceptual, cognitive, and affective processes that lead to the assessment of objects, people, and actions as more or less attractive, beautiful, good, or appropriate. He has taken part in 10 international, national, and autonomic funded research projects, and has published more than 80 scientific studies in international journals and books. His research has earned him the Gottlieb Baumgarten Award (2014) from the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, and the Daniel E. Berlyne Award (2017) from Division 10 of the American Psychological Association (Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts). He has served as Associate Editor of the American Psychological Association journal Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, and he is currently Executive Editor of the journal Empirical Studies of the Arts.
He has participated in numerous popular activities, such as 'La Feria de la Ciencia', 'Universidad Abierta para Mayores', 'Universidad de Verano', 'MENTORiment-UIB', he has collaborated with local, national, and international media outlets, and has taught 6 editions of the courses 'Redacción académica en lengua inglesa' and 'Inglés Científico' as part of the IRIE's PDI specific training program.
He has been director and secretary of the Academic Committee of the University Master in Human Cognition and Evolution of the UIB, president of the quality guarantee committee of the Doctoral Program in Human Cognition and Evolution, and subdirector of the Department of Psychology of the UIB. Since 2017 he has been secretary of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Human Cognition and Evolution and of the Doctoral Program in Psychology, and director of the Department of Psychology of the UIB.
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Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 21301 - History of Psychology. Degree in Psychology (pla 2020) - Majorca.
- 21301 - History of Psychology. Degree in Psychology (pla 2024) - Majorca.
- 21336 - Psychology of Art. Degree in Psychology (pla 2020) - Majorca.
- 11208 - Experimental Aesthetics and Neuroaesthetics. Master's Degree in Human Cognition and Evolution.
- 11192 - Human Evolution. Master's Degree in Human Cognition and Evolution.
- 11215 - Master's Thesis. Master's Degree in Human Cognition and Evolution.
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
11192 - Human Evolution | |
11193 - Evolution of the Mind | |
11215 - Master's Thesis |
21301 - History of Psychology | |
21317 - Psychological Evaluation and Diagnosis I |
21319 - Memory and Cognition |
21322 - Psychological Evaluation and Diagnosis II |
21324 - Thought and Language | |
21331 - Practicum |
21332 - Final Degree Project in Psychology |
21342 - Psychology of Emergencies |
21353 - Group Behaviour and Social Movements |
21374 - Evaluation and Treatment of Problems in Couples and Sexual Conduct |