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Dr Antonio Burguera Burguera

Dr Antonio Burguera Burguera
Senior lecturer
Automation and Systems Engineering
  • Despatx 236segon pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

Dr. Antoni Burguera is an associate professor in Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica, where he teaches different subjects in Computer Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering and the Master on Information Technologies.

He belongs to the Systems, Robotics and Vision group (SRV), doing research tasks on mobile robotics, especially underwater robotics. His research interests focus on localization and SLAM, both using visual and acoustic sensors. A list of his main research contributions is available in


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
18/09/2024 28/05/2025 Wednesday 12.40 13.30 236 Anselm Turmeda (Consultar professor prèviament)

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11313 - Industrial Control Systems
11329 - Master's Thesis
11765 - Navigation and Environment Modelling in Mobile Robotics
  • Master's degree in Intelligent Systems2019-20
11956 - Automation and Control
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering2023-24
11963 - Integrated Manufacturing Systems
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering2023-24
21715 - Computer Structure II
22416 - Industrial Automation
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