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Dr Damià Gomis Bosch

Dr Damià Gomis Bosch
Full professor
Earth Physics
  • Despatx 216segon pisServeis Cientificotècnics i IUR
  • Despatx F323tercer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Física)


Brief CV

Damia Gomis graduated in Physics at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) in 1986, getting the final degree honors. He got a Ph.D. in Physics from the same university in 1990, also achieving the extraordinary doctorate prize. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Reading (England), in 1993 he won a position of Associate Professor at the Department of Physics of the UIB, and in 1998 he became part of the refounded IMEDEA (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, a joint center between UIB and CSIC). He is Professor in Physics of the Earth since 2011.

Throughout his research career he has worked in the spatial objective analysis of oceanographic data and in the diagnosis of physical processes. During the past decade his research has focused on marine climate variability, more particularly on sea level variability at climate scale. Presently he continues his research on the physical basis of climate change and on its impacts, both from a physical perspective (as Head of the Sea Level and Climate research group, and from a multidisciplinary perspective (as Director of the UIB Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Climate Change,

The described research has been carried out through the participation in 17 Spanish projects (Principal Investigator of 7 of them), about 30 special/integrated actions (IP of 15) and 13 European projects (IP in 3 of them), in addition to contracts with national and international agencies. The result of all this research has been more than 100 publications and about 275 contributions to conferences.

On the educational side Damià Gomis has been teeching Degree and Master courses for more than 25 years and has supervised 6 PhD theses. At present he is the Director of the Academic Commission of the PhD Program in Physics of the University of the Balearic Islands.

He has also carried out different management activities as member of several national and international committees such as MedCLIVAR. He has also participated in several Evaluation Commissions in Spain and other countries, as well as for the European Union.

Finally, as founder (in 2017) and Director (since then) of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Climate Change (LINCC-UIB), Damià Gomis is presently involved in many knowledge transfer and dissemination activities. In 2018 UIB achieved the status of Observer Member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which entitles the LINCC-UIB to participate in the UNFCCC summits. Under the umbrella of Climate Alliance, LINCC-UIB has also become part of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat.

Overall quality parameters:
- 5-yr Teaching Positive Evaluations: 7 (last one for: 2017-21).
- 6-yr Research Positive Evaluations: 5 (last one for: 2011-16).
- 6-yr Dissemination Positive Evaluations: 1 (last one for: 2014-19)

More information


Office Hours

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Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21001 - General Physics I
21011 - Classical Mechanics
21054 - Physical Oceanography
22600 - Mechanics
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2020-21
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