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Dr Bernat Sureda Garcia

Dr Bernat Sureda Garcia
Emeritus professor
Theory and History of Education
  • Despatx C-106primer pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya


Brief CV

He holds a PhD in Pedagogy by the Universitat de Barcelona andhe is professor of Theory and History of the Education at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). His field of research is the history of education. He is principal investigator of the Grup d'Estudis d'Historia de l'Educació de la UIB, which is recognized as a competitive group and funded by the CAIB. He is co-director of the magazine Historia i Educació and member of the editorial board of the journal History of Education & Children's Literature (Hecl). He has been vice-rector of the UIB and School Board President of the Balearic Islands. He has published among other works, 'La investigación en historia de la educación y otros espacios de socialización y formación de los jóvenes en el siglo XX,(2004); 'The photography and advertising of the Maria Montessori method in Spain (1911-1931)' (2012) and 'Higienisme, educació i protecció de la infància en la figura del paborde Jaume' (2004), together with Francesca Comas; 'Regeneracionismo y protección a la infancia en la obra de Pere Ballester Pons (1856-1946)' ( 2005), (2005), together with Xavier Motilla or 'Pedagogical innovation and music education in Spain'. 'Introducing the Dalcroze method in Catalonia' (2014) together with F. Comas and X. Comas. He has also published several anthologies of articles Pablo Montesino.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10888 - Family and Childhood Histories
  • Master's Degree in Early Childhood: Perspectives and Lines of Intervention2020-21, 2021-22
  • Master's in Early Childhood: Perspectives and Lines of Intervention2019-20
10903 - European Policies and Education Services for Early Childhood and Adolescence
  • Master's Degree in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2020-21
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
10905 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
10986 - Latest Contributions to the History of Families and Childhood in Europe
  • Master's Degree in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2020-21
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
10990 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2020-21
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
11049 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Research Skills
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22
11050 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Advanced Research Skills
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22
11896 - Empowerment and Community Development, Spaces for Research and Programmes
  • Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention2022-23, 2023-24
22031 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Early Childhood Education2019-20
22206 - Theory of Education
  • Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus)2020-21
22229 - Contemporary Pedagogy
22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy
22301 - History of Social Education
22313 - Social Education and Social-Educational Dynamization in Museums and Libraries
22326 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Social Education I
  • Degree in Social Education2020-21
22328 - Final Degree Project in Social Education


Research groups

Group Membership type
History of Education Study Group (GEDHE) Member


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