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Dr Jaime Vadell Adrover

Dr Jaime Vadell Adrover
Senior lecturer
Plant Physiology
Higher Polytechnic School (deputy director)
  • Despatx 2segon pisGuillem Colom i Casasnovas


Brief CV


Associate Professor at the Department of Biology at the University of the Balearic Islands. He teaches in the degree studies of Agricultural Engineering and of Biology.

In addition to teaching tasks at the University has participated in courses of agroenvironmental topics and Organic Farming.

Your main research topics are: characterization and mapping of soils, soil management (especially in organic farming), use of sewage sludge in agriculture, use of compost from organic fraction of solid urban waste and irrigation with treated wastewater.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11624 - Practical Placements
  • Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering2020-21
  • Master's in Agronomic Engineering2019-20
11625 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering2020-21
  • Master's in Agronomic Engineering2019-20
22123 - Experimental Sciences and Teaching I (Biology-Chemistry)
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education
22454 - Edaphology
22484 - Ecological Agriculture


Research groups

Group Membership type
Interdisciplinary ecology (EI) Member
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