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Dr Andrés Francisco Javier Palou Oliver

Dr Andrés Francisco Javier Palou Oliver
Emeritus professor
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Laboratori d'investigació del LBNBsoterraniMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)
  • Despatx Q030planta baixaMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)


Brief CV


Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, 1987-). Director of LBNB (general Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology) of the (UIB, 1995-) (30 researchers involved). The team belongs to the 'CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn)', a research organism of excellence of the Spanish Government. The main topics of research are in the field of Molecular Nutrition and Food Science: mechanisms of body weight regulation (Obesity); relationship between diet and (epi)genetics (Nutrigenomics and Personalized Nutrition); and the relationship between diet and disease in connection with Food Safety. Author of about 545 research-articles published in peer-reviewed journals. h-index: 58 (2023). Various patents, and over 1000 communications/presentations in congresses. Director of 27 doctoral thesis (PhD). Conferences in Spain and abroad (20-25 per year). International Award 'Hipocrates' of Biomedical Research in Nutrition (Real Academia de Medicina, Principado de Asturias, Spain, 2008); International award on Nutrition and Health (University of Navarra, 2011). Lifetime Achievement Award from the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO, 2011); National Award 'Dupont' on Science (2013). Other prizes/recognitions of the scientific trajectory (Channel 4TV, Diario de Majorca) and in national and international congresses. Chair of approximately 60 projects or contracts of research and development in the last 10 years founded by the Spanish Government, the European Union, and other public and private organisms, including 3 current EU projects. To be outlined his current position as Coordinator of the European Project BIOCLAIMS (2010-2015) granted within the 7th framework programme of the EU.

Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency of Food Safety and Nutrition (2003-2010). Vice-chair of the Scientific Panel of Nutrition of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2002-2009). 2nd Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee on Food (2000-2002). Member or Chair of various (scientific, expert) committees and institutions related to Food/Human Nutrition and assessor/consultant of national and international private companies. At the UIB he has been Secretary of the Faculty of Sciences (1984-5), Director of the Department of Biochemistry (1982-84), Director of the Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences (1995-2003), Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (1985-87) and Vice-Rector of the University of the Balearic Islands (1987-95).


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10280 - Research Seminars in Nutrigenomics
  • Master's Degree in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition2023-24
10285 - Innovation and Development Seminars
  • Master's Degree in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition2022-23, 2023-24
11263 - Practicum
  • Master's in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition2019-20
11264 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition2019-20
21529 - Advances in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
23000 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
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