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Dr Elisabeth Valle Valle

Dr Elisabeth Valle Valle
Senior lecturer
Applied Economics
  • Despatx DB258segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Born in Palma de Mallorca (1976) Lecturer in the Department of Applied Economics of the University of the Balearic Islands since 2019. Degree in Economics at the University of the Balearic Islands (1998). Master's Degree in Applied Economic Analysis at Pompeu Fabra University (2001). PhD in Economics from the University of the Balearic Islands (2004). She won the 'Tourism of Spain 2004' scholarship in the Doctoral Thesis in progress modality of the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism and the International Award for Tourism Studies Gabriel Escarrer 2005.

The teaching experience has been developed at the Universitat de les Illes Balears in the studies of Degree and Postgraduate. The last subjects taught are 'Introduction to economics' in the Degree of Business Administration and Management, 'Structure and Conjunction' in the Degree of Economics, 'Analysis of economic impacts' in the Master in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation and 'Tourism Policy and economic impact' in the Master in Tourism Management and Planning.

Researcher specializing in input-output models, social accounting matrices and general equilibrium models with publications both nationally and internationally: Estadística Española, Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Annals of Tourism Research, International Regional Science Review, Tourism Economics, Tourism Analysis, as well as book chapters from NOVA Publisher, Springer-Verlag and Edward Elgar.

The research has been framed in various research projects, all obtained in public and competitive calls, and has been enriched by various predoctoral and postdoctoral stays in the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, In the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis at the University of Santiago de Compostela and at the Christel DeHan Tourism and Travel Research Institute at the University of Nottingham in England.

She is currently coordinator of the Degree in Business Administration and Management at Menorca and Ibiza.

More information


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
01/09/2024 30/06/2025 Thursday 11.00 12.00 DB258

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11495 - Analysis of Economic Impacts
20359 - Economics and Enterprise
20490 - End of Degree Project
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)2019-20, 2020-21
20531 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Tourism2019-20
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2019-20
20542 - Air Transport Economics
20600 - Economic Environment
21222 - Final Degree Project in Business Administration
  • Degree in Business Administration2023-24
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law2023-24
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2023-24


Research groups

Group Membership type
Economic analysis and modelling Member


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