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Dr Juan Vicente Riera Clapés

Dr Juan Vicente Riera Clapés
Senior lecturer
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
  • Despatx 214segon pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

Degree in Mathematics by the University of Salamanca and PhD in Mathematics by the University of the Balearic Islands. Secondary school teacher(on leave of abscence) and associate professor Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. He currently teaches at the degree of Primary Education, and the Master of Teacher Education.

His research activity is devoted to the field of fuzzy logic, in particular to logic operators, discrete fuzzy numbers and decision making proces. He is a member of the research group Soft Computing, Image Processing and Aggregation (SCOPIA).

He has published in several international journals, and he has participated in more than twenty conferences of the field. In addition, He is a reviewer for different journals of international reference in the field and has organized several special sessions at conferences. He has been active in teacher training courses both as coordinator, speaker or attendee. He has directed several final year dissertations and master's thesis. He has two six-year investigation periods and three five-year teaching periods.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10701 - Specific Didactics: Evaluation in the Field of Mathematics
10703 - Practicum in Schools or Companies
10704 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2019-20
22108 - Mathematics in Primary Education
22113 - Mathematics Teaching I
  • Degree in Primary Education2019-20
22126 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education I
22128 - Mathematics Teaching II
22129 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education II
  • Degree in Primary Education2023-24
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education


Research groups

Group Membership type
Soft Computing, Image Processing and Aggregation (SCOPIA) Member
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