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Dr Francisco Jorge Oliver Rullán

Dr Francisco Jorge Oliver Rullán
Senior lecturer
Applied Economics (secretary)
Applied Economics
  • Despatx DB245segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Xisco Oliver is a lecturer of applied economics at the University of Balearic Islands (Spain) where he obtained his PhD in Economics. He has a Master in Applied Economics from the University Pompeu Fabra (Spain). His research has focused on portfolio choice, labour supply and taxation, redistribution of income and social welfare.

He has published in several journal of the SSCI both national (Revista de Economía Aplicada, Hacienda Pública Española, Investigaciones Económicas, Revista de Educación, Estudios sobre Educación) and international (Journal of Economic Inequality, Review of Income and Wealth, Economica, International Journal of Manpower). He also has several national and international book chapters. From 2009 to 2013 he was Vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

More information


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11498 - Extensions of Economic Evaluation
  • Master's in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2019-20
20531 - Final Degree Project in Tourism
20613 - Macroeconomics I
20622 - Growth
  • Degree in Economics2019-20
  • Double degree in Economics and Tourism2019-20
  • Double Degree in Economics and Tourism (2015)2019-20
20629 - Final Degree Project in Economics
21214 - Macroeconomics
  • Degree in Business Administration2023-24
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)2019-20
21222 - Final Degree Project in Business Administration
  • Degree in Business Administration2023-24
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law2023-24
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2023-24
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