Dr Jaume Jesús Carot Giner
- Despatx del Rectorprimer pisSon Lledó
- Despatx F321tercer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Física)
Brief CV
Jaume Carot (Tortosa, December 1960), holds a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (July 1982) and a PhD in Physics from the University of the Balearic Islands (January 1987). Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen (UK), where he carried out a two-year postdoctoral stay (1987-1989) at the Department of Mathematics, funded through a Fleming Scholarship (British Council). He has conducted several research stays in the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Portugal. Lecturer at the University of Madeira (Portugal) during a semester in 1993. He has supervised two doctoral theses and several master's theses. Currently he is Full Professor in the area of theoretical physics at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB).
His research in the field of General Relativity theory includes: Mathematical developments, (differential geometry and, in particular, the study of exact solutions of Einstein's Field Equations); Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics; Solutions with dark matter; Relativistic theory of elasticity (with application to neutron star models), and Gravitational radiation from the point of view of its sources and its emission process.
He has authored about sixty papers in international indexed journals and a similar number of book chapters and other scientific publications, including international conference proceedings, and is the co-author of the books 'Mecánica Teórica' (Ed Reverte 2010, ISBN: 978-84-291-4359-1) and "Ejercicios de Mecánica Teórica" (Edicions UIB, ISBN:978-84-8384-338-3).
He has participated in more than twenty competitive research projects, being the PI of some of them. He acts as a referee for a number of international publications and has been a research evaluator for research management agencies. Academic management tasks include: director of the Master's degree in Physics and of the Ph.D. program in Physics (with the Spanish ministry quality award); Secretary and deputy director of the postgraduate studies center; director of the Doctoral School of the UIB. Vice-rector for academic staff and graduate studies at the UIB, vice-rector for research and graduate studies (2013-2017), and vice-rector for research and international relations (2017-May 2019). In 2015 was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the CRUE's R&D&I commission, and in February 2017 was appointed member of the RIS3 Expert Group of the European University Association (EUA), both positions held until May 2019. He took part (2018-2019) in the CRUE work group for the 'Iberian Agenda of Knowledge'. He has been appointed member of the monitoring committee of the RIS3 strategy for the Balearic Islands.
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
11268 - Relativity and Geometry | |
20583 - Mathematical Models in Physics | |
21011 - Classical Mechanics |