Dr María Teresa Adame Obrador

- 971173136 (3136)
- Despatx B-105primer pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya
Brief CV
Graduate in Psychology (1989) and Doctor in Psychopedagogics (2000) for the Balearic Islands University. Professor since 1990 in the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology at the Balearic Islands University (UIB)
During these years has developed several responsibilities of academic management, including the following: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education (2000-10); Co-director of the Master's Degree in Human Resource Management. Psychological and Pedagogical intervention (2011-2018); Secretary of the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology (2018-2020). Currently, Director of the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of the UIB (2020-).
Member of the research group: Education and Citizenship (EIC) group assigned to the Institute of Research and Educational Innovation (Irie / UIB).
Research Areas:
- Training and career paths
- School drop out
- Young people with low education profiles
- Educational Guidance
Last research projects funded:
- Teaching practice and the prevention of early dropout from vocational training: empirical approach and intervention proposal'. R+D+I Programme oriented to the Challenges of Society 2019 (reference PID2019-108342RB-100). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
'Success and dropout pathways in vocational training/education in Spain' (Project Reference: EDU2013-42854-R), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness by the national Programme of Research, Development and Innovation. From 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017.
'Pathways from secondary education into employment: A biographic perspective' (Project Reference: EDU2009-13312), funded by the Spanish Ministri of Science and Innovation. From 1/1/10 to 31/12/13
Selected Publications of the last years:
- Pinya, C. i Salvà, F. (Dirs.) (2021) Prevenir l'abandonament dels estudis a la formació professional: orientacions i propostes. UIB. Obtingut de
- Adame, M.T.; Rigo, E.; Aguilar, E. et al. (2013). Estrategias de estudio y trabajo en estudiantes universitarios de la UIB. IRIE. Informes de recerca en educació, 7, p. 1-179. Obtingut de
- Salvà, F. (dir.); Oliver, M.; Sureda, J.; Casero, A., Adame, T. & Comas, R. (2013). Abandono escolar prematuro y retorno al sistema educativo en Baleares: historias de vida del alumnado de la educación permanente de personas adultas (EPA). IRIE. Informes de recerca en educació, 2, p. 1-101. Obtingut de
- Adame, T; De la Iglesia, B; Gotzens, C.; Rodríguez, R. & Surreda I. (2011). Análisis de las estrategias socioemocionales utilitzadas por los y las docentes en el aula: estudio de casos. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 38, 14(3), 77-86.
- Adame, T. & Salvà, F. (2010). Abandono escolar prematuro y transición a la vida activa en una economía turística: el caso de Baleares. Revista de Educación, 351, 185-210.
More information
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 22133 - Benchmark practicals: Tutorial Action. Degree in Primary Education - Majorca.
- 22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity. Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022) - Ibiza.
- 22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity. Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022) - Minorca.
- 22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity. Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022) - Majorca.
- 22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity. Degree in Primary Education - Ibiza.
- 22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity. Degree in Primary Education - Minorca.
- 22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy. Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) - Majorca.
- 22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education. Degree in Primary Education - Majorca.
- 22227 - Orientation, Mediation and Tutoring. Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) - Majorca.
- 22169 - Practicals. Degree in Primary Education - Majorca.
- 11026 - Master's Thesis. Master's Degree in Human Resource Management. Psychological and Pedagogical Intervention.
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10704 - Master's Thesis |
11026 - Master's Thesis | |
22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I |
22011 - Educational Psychology |
22023 - Educational Reflection and Innovation |
22100 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design |
22105 - Educational Organisation and Management |
22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity | |
22126 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education I | |
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education | |
22144 - Educational Intervention in Language and Audition Problems |
22169 - Practicals | |
22201 - Developmental Psychology |
22227 - Orientation, Mediation and Tutoring | |
22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy |