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Miquel Àngel Garcies Salom

Miquel Àngel Garcies Salom
Technical, Management and Administrative and Service Staff
Servicio de Aplicaciones y Servicios TIC
Servicio de Aplicaciones y Servicios TIC
Servicio de Aplicaciones y Servicios TIC
  • Despatx CTI 103entresòlAnselm Turmeda


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21708 - Operating Systems I
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2023-24
  • Degree in Informatics Engineering2023-24
  • Degree in Informatics Engineering (2014 syllabus)2023-24
  • Degree in Mathematics2023-24
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