Dr David Ginard Féron
- 971172744 (2744)
- Despatx BB17primer pisRamon Llull
Brief CV
Research focused on the working class movement, the political repression during the Spanish Civil War, the exile, the anti-Francoist resistance, the women's movement against fascism, the postwar economy and society and the historiography and the partisan culture of Spanish communism.Author of twenty books, among others:L'esquerra mallorquina i el franquisme (1994), L'oposició antifranquista i els comunistes mallorquins (1939-1977) (1998), El moviment obrer de Mallorca i la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) (1999), L'economia balear (1929-1959) (1999), Heriberto Quiñones y el movimiento comunista en España (1931-1942) (2000), Mallorca während der Franco-Diktadur. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 1939-1975 (2001), Les Baléares sous le régime franquiste (2002), Matilde Landa. De la Institución Libre de Enseñanza a las prisiones franquistas (2005), L'exili balear de 1939 (2008), Treballadors, sindicalistes i clandestins. Històries orals del moviment obrer a les Balears (1930-1950). Vols I (2012), II (2014) and III (2018), Aurora Picornell (1912-1937). De la història al símbol (2016, 2ª ed, 2023), Aurora Picornell. Feminismo, comunismo y memoria republicana el el siglo XX (2018), Ateu Martí (1889-1936). Anticlericalisme i compromís republicà (2020), Josep Massot i Muntaner. El combat per la història (2021), Matilde Landa. El compromiso y la tragedia (1904-1942) (2023), Un espia soviètic a Mallorca durant la Guerra Civil. Les memòries de Lev Vassilièvski (2024), and Ferrari Billoch i la Guerra Civil. Extrema dreta, anticatalanisme i antimaçoneria a les Balears (1936-1939) (2024)..Co-author of: L'època contemporània a les Balears (1780-2005) (2006).He has coordinated collective volumes, such as Represión política, justicia y reparación. La memoria histórica en perspectiva jurídica (1936-2008) (2009), Dona, Guerra Civil i franquisme (2011), Dona i lluita democràtica al segle XX (2012), La Casa del Poble i el moviment obrer a Mallorca (1900-1936) (2016), Un siglo de comunismo en España (2021-22) (2 vols), Dones, treball i moviment obrer. Europa, Espanya, Illes Balears (1868-1936) (2022), and La Dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930). Suports i resistències (2024). He has contributed to collective works and to research magazines like Ayer, Revista de Historiografía, Hispania and Studia Historica.Director of: 'Quaderns d'Història Contemporània de les Balears'.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 21148 - Contemporary History of Spain. Degree in Geography - Majorca.
- 20219 - Contemporary Spanish History until 1939. Degree in History - Majorca.
- 20229 - Final Degree Project. Degree in History - Majorca.
- 20209 - Universal Contemporary History. Degree in Geography - Majorca.
- 20209 - Universal Contemporary History. Degree in History - Majorca.
- 10297 - Historical Museums and Documentation Centres: Models and Experiences. Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management.
- 10317 - Master's Thesis. Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management.
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10297 - Historical Museums and Documentation Centres: Models and Experiences | |
10317 - Master's Thesis | |
10704 - Master's Thesis |
20209 - Universal Contemporary History | |
20219 - Contemporary Spanish History until 1939 | |
20229 - Final Degree Project | |
21148 - Contemporary History of Spain |
22124 - Social Sciences Teaching II (History) |
22132 - Final Degree Project |