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Dr Enrique García Riaza

Dr Enrique García Riaza
Full professor
Ancient History
Centre for Postgraduate Studies (deputy director)
  • Despatx BG08primer pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

Degree in History (Speciality of Ancient History) from the University of Salamanca (1991), 'Grado de Salamanca' (1992), and PhD in History from the University of the Balearic Islands (1997). Further sutudies at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (academic year 1992-1993 Erasmus predoc.), and short-term visiting scholar at Merton College, University of Oxford (Jul. 2014), and the Department of Classics, New York University (Jul. 2016). Senior Fellow of the Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies, Universität Hamburg-German Research Foundation (Apr.-Jun. 2022).

His main research interests are Diplomacy and Law of War during the Roman-Republican expansion, as well as the Ancient History of the Balearic Islands. Number of six-year research periods recognised by the Spanish Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI): 4. He has taken part in several national and international (CNRS) scientific programs, being a Principal Researcher in five consecutive R + D + i projects (Spanish State Research Agency, Government of Spain). He is currently in charge of the Project: 'Environments for dialogue: the spaces of diplomacy in the Roman provincial sphere during the Republic (IANVA)', PID2022-137408NB-I00, funded by MCIN / AEI / ERDF A Way of Making Europe, in collaboration with international researchers. He is co-IP of archaeological research projects: 'Projecte Guardis' finançat pel Consell de Mallorca (BOIB 201, 20 de novembre de 2020 / 11802); Scientific Co-Director of 'ARQUEOMALLORNAUTA: project for the excavation, recovery and enhancement of the Ses Fontanelles wreck (Palma)', financed by the Council of Mallorca and PortsIB (1/1/2021 to 31/10/2024), SEFYCU 2788384.

He is author, co-author or editor, of the following books: Celtíberos y Lusitanos frente a Roma: diplomacia y derecho de guerra (Anejos de Veleia, UPV, Vitoria, 2002); Roma y la municipalización de las Baleares (co-author with María Luisa Sánchez León, Palma, UIB, 2000); De fronteras a provincias. Interacción e Integración en Occidente (ss. III-I a.C.), (editor and co-author, Palma, UIB, 2011); 'In fidem venerunt'. Expresiones de sometimiento a la República Romana en Occidente (editor with A.-M. Sanz and co-author, Madrid, Dykinson, 2019); Unidos en armas: coaliciones militares en el Occidente antiguo (editor with E. Sánchez Moreno and co-author, Palma, UIB - Madrid, UAM, 2019) and The Materiality of Diplomacy in the Hellenistic-Roman Mediterranean. Gifts, Bribes, Offerings, Edinburgh Studies in Hellenistic History and Culture, 1 (editor amb E. Sánchez Moreno i coautor, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024).

Principal Investigator of the Research Group Civitas (University of the Balearic Islands), and associated member of the Research Group Occidens (Autonomous University of Madrid, Belongs to the Network Libera Res Publica (Spanish Historians of the Roman Republic) and the Institute of Sciences of Antiquity (ICCA) of the Autonomous University of Madrid as Reference researcher in Section 4 (Studies on the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity). Integrated since 2013 in the Doctorate Program in Prehistory and Sciences of the Antiquity of the University of Salamanca. He is a member of the Advisory Board of Faventia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and the Editorial Board of the Collection 'Libera Res Pvblica' (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza-Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla), as well as of Mayurqa (Universitat de les Illes Balears). Member of The Club of Rome-Spanish Chapter (Balearic Group).

He has held, among other academic positions, those of Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (Head of History Studies), Deputy Director of the Center for Postgraduate Studies and Vice-Chancellor for Research and International of the University of the Balearic Islands.

More information


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
11/02/2025 04/06/2025 Tuesday 18.00 19.00 BG08/Ramon Llull

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10317 - Master's Thesis
20211 - History of Ancient Greece
20216 - History of Ancient Rome
20221 - History of Ancient Spain
20225 - Epigraphy and Numismatics in the Ancient World
20229 - Final Degree Project
20237 - Ancient History of the Balearic Islands
20242 - Cities in the Roman Empire


Research groups

Group Membership type
Civitas Main researcher
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