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Dr Juan José Miñana Prats

Dr Juan José Miñana Prats
  • Despatx 168primer pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

Juan José Miñana Prats is licensed in Mathematics since 2010 from Universitat de València. Then, he obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 2015 from Universitat Politècnica de València. His academic career started in April 2012 when he obtained a competitive research fellowship provided for Generalitat Valenciana. Under such a fellowship he was contracted for the Universitat Politècnica de València from April 2012 to April 2015. Then, he works as a Lecturer in the private university named Universidad Internacional de la Rioja from February 2016 to August 2016. Since September 2016 he is professor in Departament of Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica of the Universitat de les Illes Balears, where he has held different positions. Currently, he is Associate Professor in such a department since October 2020 and he possess 1 (six-year) period of research activity recognized by the Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigora (CNEAI). He is member of the research group of UIB 'Modelos para el Tratamiento de la Información Borrosa (MOTIBO)'

His research interest is focused in General Topology and its applications to Computer Science. Concretely, he is interested in the topological study of generalized metrics and its applications to engineering problems as perceptual color difference, multi-agent systems, model estimation, clustering, image filtering... In this direction, he has authored different works dedicated to the topological study on fuzzy metric spaces as convergence of sequences, completeness or fixed point theorems. Besides, he has approached the study of aggregation of quasi-metrics, partial metrics and partial quasi-metrics, as well as the study of fixed point theorems in such a kind of generalized metrics. On the other hand, he actively collaborate with engineers to approach the aforementioned problems by the use of fuzzy metrics.

The aforesaid research has conducted Juan José Miñana to publish 38 research papers in indexed journals in the most prestigious databased, 1 in a book chapters and 36 in proceedings of international congress. Besides, he has participated in 13 international congress as a speaker, one of them as a main speaker. On the other hand, he has took part in 1 national research project, 2 international research projects and 2 autonomic research projects. In addition, he has supervised 1 PhD thesis with 4 published papers in international journals. In such a PhD thesis was introduced and studied the notion of fuzzy partial metric which generalizes the concept of fuzzy metric. Currently, he is supervising 2 PhD thesis in progress, both with 1 published paper in an international journal, devoted to the study of fuzzy measurements and their applications to decision making. Finally, it is worth to mentioning that he made a three months stay in the Latvian University (between September and December of 2014) funded by Generalitat Valenciana. In such a stay, it was approached the problem of defining a fuzzy topology induced by a fuzzy metric. From such a study a paper in a prestigious journal was published.


Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20331 - Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
20601 - Mathematics
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
  • Degree in Computer Engineering2019-20
  • Degree in Computer Engineering (2010 syllabus)2019-20
  • Degree in Informatics Engineering (2014 syllabus)2020-21


Research groups

Group Membership type
Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO) Member
Systems, Robotics and Vision (SRV) Collaborator
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