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Miquel Ballester Juliā

Miquel Ballester Juliā


      Brief CV

      Campos (Mallorca) 1969. Technical Architect (UIB, 2009). Master in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management Branch Arts and Humanities (UIB, 2015). Member of the Religious Artistic Heritage Conservation (CPAR) (UIB 2015). Associate Professor UIB since 2009, currently under the area of ​​Architectural Department of Physics. As a teacher has taught the subjects of traditional build traditional systems of construction and rehabilitation projects. He has participated as a teacher in every bridge courses conducted by the UIB to access the Technical Architecture degree in Building Engineering and the Masters in Landscape and Restoration (UIB). Professionally, he has worked as an assistant architect (1988-1992), as administrative urban area of ​​the municipality of Campos (1992-2009). Currently, from December 1, 2009, it is of special administration official, A2 level, the municipality of Campos, as municipal technical architect. Since 1992 he has published several articles on architecture and construction fields in local publications. Within the scope of Mallorca, he has lectured related to architecture, among others: the architectural evolution of the townhouse in Mallorca (given 11 times 1999). Ciudad de Mallorca. The architecture of public buildings (given 34 times, 2000), etc. As technical architect and has participated as a speaker at the third annual technical seminar organized by the Foundation Chair Llabrés Feliu and the UIB. He has also participated in the lectures on the Curs Discover, Alcudia, entitled: traditional architecture in Mallorca (2013) and The farmhouse (2014). He has participated as a lecturer and professor in the third module of the rehabilitation course. Recognition, diagnosis and intervention techniques, the College of Architects of the Balearic Islands (2014). He is coauthor of several publications in the field of local history of Campos. Within the broader scope, co-author of the book Among poc i sa restraint massa passa (2002) and author of Traditional Houses: Architectural features, typological and construction of housing on rural land in Mallorca. 2013 (1st edition) 2015 (reprint). UIB editions and the book Materials de construcciķ a Mallorca. La documentaciķ histōrica (segles XIV-XVIII) (Palma: Lleonard Muntaner, 2017)


      Teaching, 5 previous years

      Subject Information
      20389 - Traditional Construction


      Research groups

      Group Membership type
      Group for the Preservation of Artistic and Religious Heritage (CPAR) Collaborator
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