Dr Sebastià Serra Busquets
- Despatx del Centre d'Estudis i Documentació Contemporàniaplanta baixaRamon Llull
Brief CV
1. Doctor in Contemporary History.
2. Professor of Contemporary History of the UIB.
3. Principal researcher of the Study Group on Culture, Society and Politics in the contemporary world of the UIB.
4. Researcher in charge of the Study Group on Culture, Society, Communication and Contemporary Thinking of the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation (IRIE, university institute).
5. Teacher of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, with the subject of complementary specialization in Geography, History and History of Art.
6. Selection of works:
- Coordinator of Eleccions i debats d'investidura al parlaments autonòmics de l'estat espanyol (1980-2017) - http://ibdigital.uib.es/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi?site=localhost&a=p&p=about&c=debatsInvestiduraCCAA&l=ca&w=utf-8
- Codirector and chapter's author of La democracia imperfecta (Lleonard Muntaner, Palma, 2014).
- Author and codirector of Cultura, societat i política a la Mediterrània contemporània (Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, Palma, 2013).
- Author and codirector i autor de Les Illes Balears. Un ésser viu. 25 anys d'autogovern (1983-2008) (Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics, Palma, 2008).
- Coauthor of Museus de les Illes Balears (Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, Palma, 2009).
Editor and coauthor de Autogovern i democràcia a la Mediterrània occidental a final del segle XX (Res Publica Edicions, Eivissa, 2003). - Author of Projectes modernitzadors a Mallorca des de finals del segle XIX fins al final de la dictadura franquista (El Far, Palma, 2003).
Author of Els elements de canvi a la Mallorca del segle XX (Edicions Cort, Palma, 2001).
7. Coordinator of the Research Project: 'Cultural Tourism: Analysis, Diagnosis and Prospects for the Future', Meliá Internacional Chair - UIB, 2013 - 2015.
8. Direction of doctoral theses and master's degree projects.
9. Director of the Center for Contemporary Studies and Documentation - CEDOC.
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10297 - Historical Museums and Documentation Centres: Models and Experiences |
10704 - Master's Thesis |
10746 - Complement to the Specialty of Geography and History 1: Contextualisation o |
20223 - Contemporary Spanish History from 1939 to the Present Day |
Research groups
Group | Membership type |
Study group on culture, society and politics in the contemporary world | Member |