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Dr Francesc Andreu Rosselló Llompart

  • Despatx 171primer pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

BSc in Mathematics (June 1984) and PhD in Mathematics (April 1990), both by the Univ. of Barcelona, ​​UB. After holding several academic positions at the UB (1984-1990) and the Univ. of the Balearic Islands, UIB (1990-2009), I am full professor with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the UIB, since January 2010.I've been the Principal Investigator in 13 research projects funded by the Spanish Government, and participated in another 17 projects funded by various national and international organizations. Also, I have been the Leader of 4 teaching innovation projects funded by the UIB and 2 development and cooperation projects funded by the UIB and the CAIB. I have been the director of 15 Master thesis and 6 PhD dissertations. I have published 8 textbooks or popular science books, and more than 100 journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc .; more 50 of them are articles in journals with impact factor. In total, I have published with more than 55 coauthors.I have held various academic service positions at the UIB, including the direction of the Master in Mathematics (10/2008-09/2010) and of the Undergradutate Studies in Mathematics (06/1999-06/2003).


Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20104 - Mathematics II
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
21548 - Mathematics II
23003 - Introduction to Medical Research and Statistics
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