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Dr Jaume Rosselló Mir


Brief CV

JAUME ROSSELLÓ-MIR (Esporles, Spain, 1963) is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology (University of the Balearic Islands, UIB). After obtaining his Bachelor's degree in Psychology (1988), he spent a formative period as a fellow research at the University of Bologna, Italy(1990-1991). Afterwards, he moved to the Autonomous Univesity of Barcelona. He received his Ph.D. from the UIB (2001). His dissertation was awarded with special distinction by the University of the Balearic Islands and with a First Research Award by the City Council of Barcelona.

He has published extensively in national and international journals with ISI impact factor (Thomson and Reuters), gaining recognition for thirty years of international-quality research, i.e., five periods of 6 years on research work (sexenios) recognized by the National Committee for the Assessment of the Research Action (CNEAI).

He has written several books and a number of chapters related with the topics of visual attention, perception, motivation and emotion and neuroscience, and has been coeditor of a handbook on the study of attention and perception (Alianza Editorial).

Dr. Rosselló-Mir is a member of the staff of the Human Evolution and Cognition Group ( (UIB-CSIC) since 2001. Nowadays, his research interests focus on the human affective processing and their influence on higher order cognition. Particularly, he is actively participating in several projects dealing with the effects of affective priming (conscious and nonconscious) on preferences, choices and moral judgements. He is also interested in the applied aspects of implicit measures and on the effects of affective factors on cognition and attitudes. He has been Vicepresident of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision-Making Studies from 2014 to 2018.

Research Topics: Experimental Psychology, Preferences, Decision-making, Emotion, Implicit Cognition, Visual Attention, Traffic Psychology and Road Safety

More information


Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11194 - Cognition and the Brain
11215 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Human Cognition and Evolution2023-24
21314 - Motivation and Emotion
21332 - Final Degree Project in Psychology
21340 - Psychology of Traffic and Highway Safety
21342 - Psychology of Emergencies
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