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Dr José Luis Ferrer Gomila

Dr José Luis Ferrer Gomila
Senior lecturer
Telematics Engineering
  • Despatx 117primer pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones by the Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (1991), Doctor en Informática by the Universidad de les Illes Balears (1998).

University Lecturer of Telematic Engineering since 2001. I have taught several courses as fundamentos de computadores, transmisión de datos, ingeniería y aplicaciones de telemática, seguridad en redes telemáticas, gestión de redes telemáticas; and másters (mainly organized by the departamento de ciències matemàtiques i informàtica).

Author of more than 50 papers published in journals and conferences, international and national, and researcher in several projects (main researcher at 4). Main researcher by the UIB in a project of the programme Ingenio-Consolider, with a budget of more than 5 milion euros.

I have held multiple positions: vicerector de profesorado, subdirector del departamento de ciències matemàtiques i informàtica, subdirector de la escola politècnica superior.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
22351 - Introduction to Telematics
22366 - Network Management
22370 - Network Security
22378 - Radiocommunications
  • Degree in Telematics Engineering 2019-20
  • Degree in Telematics Engineering (2010)2020-21
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