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Dr José Manuel Estela Ripoll

  • Despatx QA205segon pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)


Brief CV

Dr. Jose Manuel Estela Ripoll is Professor of the area of knowledge of Analytical Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry at the UIB since 1978. His research is related to the chemical laboratory automation and environmental analysis. He was member of the group of Analytical Chemistry, Automation and Environment until 2020 and currently is member of the FI-TRACE (Flow-Injection and Trace Analysis) group . It has granted six quinquennia of teaching and five sexennia of research.


Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11353 - Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy
  • Master's in Chemical Science and Technology2019-20
11398 - Instrumental Methods and Techniques in Environmental Chemistry 1
  • Master's Degree in Chemical Science and Technology2020-21
21419 - Instrumental Analysis
21424 - Analytical Chemistry Experimentation
21428 - Advanced Chemistry Laboratory
21429 - Integrated Chemistry Laboratory
22405 - Chemistry
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2019-20
22601 - Chemistry


Research groups

Group Membership type
Flow injection and trace analysis (FI-TRACE) Member
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