Evolution and human cognition (EVOCOG)
Publications in journals
- Barceló-Coblijn, Lluís; Irurtzun, Aritz; Real Puigdollers, Cristina; ; López-Navarro, Emilio; Gomila, Antoni, "How children develop their ability to combine words: a network-based approach", "Adaptive Behavior", Volume 28, 2019. Paper.
- Vartanian, O.; Navarrete, G.; Chatterjee, A.; Fich, L. B.; Leder, H.; Modroño, C.; Rostrup, N.; Skov, M.; Corradi, G.; Nadal, M., "Preference for curvilinear contour in interior architectural spaces: Evidence from experts and nonexperts", "Psychology Of Aesthetics Creativity And The Arts", Volume 13, Pages 110-116, 2019. Paper.
- Nadal, M.; Chatterjee, A., "Neuroaesthetics and art's diversity and universality", "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Cognitive Science", Volume 10, Pages e1487, 2019. Paper.
- Corradi, Guido; Belman, Manuel; Currô, Tommaso; Chuquichambi, Erick G.; Rey, Carlos; Nadal, Marcos., "Aesthetic sensitivity to curvature in real objects and abstract designs", "Acta Psychologica", Volume 197, Pages 124-127, 2019. Paper.
- Isern-Mas, Carme; Gomila, Antoni, "Why does empathy matter for morality?", "Análisis Filosófico", Volume XXXIX, Issue 1, Pages 5-26, 2019. Paper.
- Pérez-Manrique, A.; Gomila, A.;, "Bottlenose dolphins do not behave prosocially in an instrumental helping task", "Behavioural Processes", Volume 164, Pages 54-58, 2019. Paper.
- Pérez-Manrique, A.; Gomila, A.;, "The role of previous visual experience in the development of object permanence skills in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)", "Tesis Psicológica", Volume 14, 2019. Paper.
- Isern-Mas, C.; Gomila, A., "Making sense of emotional contagion", "Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies", Volume 12, Issue 35, Pages 71-100, 2019. Paper.
- Isern-Mas, C.; Gomila, A., "Why does empathy matter for morality?", "Análisis Filosófico", Volume 39, 2019. Paper.
- Barone, Pamela; Corradi, Guido y Gomila, Antoni, "Infants' performance in spontaneous-response false belief tasks: A review and meta-analysis", "Infant Behavior & Development", Volume 57, Issue 101350, Pages 1-21, 2019. Review.
- Nadal, M.; Chatterjee, A., "The biology of art's diversity and universality", "The Structurist", Volume 60, Pages 69-75, 2019. Paper.
- Cela-Conde, Camilo José, "¿Interesa la referencia de las ciencias de la vida a disciplinas como la filosofía o la historia?", "Ludus Vitalis", Volume 27, Issue 51, Pages 149-151, 2019. Paper.
- Jordana, A., Pons, J., Borrueco, M., Pallarès, S., y Torregrossa, M., "Implementación de un Programa de Asistencia de Carrera Dual en un club multideportivo privado", "Revista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y la Educación Física", Volume 4, Issue E9, 2019. Paper.
- A. Arslanova; A. Galvez-Pol; B. Calvo-Merino; B. Forster, "Searching for bodies: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory processing during visual search for body-related information", "Neuroimage", Volume 21, Issue 195, Pages 140-149, 2019. Paper.