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Francesc Bonnín Ripoll

  • Despatxprimer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Física)


Brief CV

Francesc Bonnín Ripoll (Palma, 1990). Degree in Physics (2014). Currently a PhD Student in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Construction, Mechanical Engineering Area.

His research focuses on photovoltaic solar cells, the optoelectronic characterization of the materials that make up the structure of perovskite solar cells, the computational simulation of the optoelectronic behaviour and the parametric optimization of solar cells. He is the author of 10 scientific publications including papers, conference papers and tutorials. He has experience in performing optical characterizations of solid materials using spectrophotometry techniques. He has carried out a research stay at the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (2021).

He has taught courses in Hydraulic Machines, Thermoenergetic Engineering and Renewable Energies as part of the Degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering in the subjects.

More information


Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
22408 - Hydraulic Machines
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2020-21
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering2020-21
22412 - Thermal Energy Engineering
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2021-22
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering2021-22
22443 - Renewable Energies
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2021-22
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2021-22
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