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Dr Carlos Rodrigo Ribas González

  • Despatx C-208segon pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya


Brief CV

Palma (Mallorca) Architect and Ph.D. in Construction Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2013). He founded the architectural firm 7.12 Arquitectos with Jaime Salvá, combining with the activity of advisor of building structures for other professionals and precast structural concrete and prestressed companies. Associate lecturer since 2008, assistant since 2011, lecturer since 2015, and senior lecturer (Associate Professor - American English) since 2020 in ​​Construction Engineering. He teaches the Bachelor of Construction and the Master of Industrial Engineering. His research focuses on building technologies, from the structural point of view, the introduction of smart materials in structures (shape memory alloys), precast and/or prestressed concrete, and the energy performance of buildings. He has over 60 publications, including articles, contributions to books, and conference presentations (SEE MAIN PUBLICATIONS). His research currently focuses on studying the possible applications of shape memory alloys in structural matters. He has contributed to two national research programs and with different companies in the Balearic Islands in the transfer of technology and is co-author of 'Problemas resueltos de hormigón estructural en edificación'.

He has been invited to 2 research stays, by Professor L. Sneed at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in 2022; and by Professors A. Muttoni and M. Fernández Ruiz at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2015.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11325 - Building and Running Industrial Facilities
11329 - Master's Thesis
11445 - Simulation for Finite Elements
  • Master's in Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics2019-20
20352 - Space Representation Systems
20361 - Structures I
20366 - Structures II
20382 - Geotechnics and Foundations



Experimental study on shear strength of beam-and-block floors
C Ribas, A Cladera
Engineering Structures 57, 428-442 (2013)
Pilot experiences in the application of shape memory alloys in structural concrete
A Cladera, E Oller, C Ribas
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (11), 04014084 (2013)


Shear-flexural strength mechanical model for the design and assessment of reinforced concrete beams subjected to point or distributed loads

A Marí, A Cladera, J Bairán, E Oller, C Ribas
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 8 (4), 337-353 (2014)


Shear-flexural strength mechanical model for the design and assessment of reinforced concrete beams subjected to point or distributed loads

AR Marí Bernat, A Cladera Bohigas, JM Bairán García, E Oller Ibars, C Ribas González
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 8 (4), 337-353 (2014)


Saving potential for embodied energy and CO2 emissions from building elements A case study

B Rosselló-Batle, C Ribas, A Moià-Pol, V & Martínez-Moll
Journal of Building Physics (2014)


Un modelo unificado de resistencia a flexión y cortante de vigas esbeltas de hormigón armado bajo cargas puntuales y repartidas

A Marí, A Cladera, J Bairán, E Oller, C Ribas
Hormigón y Acero 65 (274), 247-265 (2014)


Shear-flexural strength mechanical model for the design and assessment of reinforced concrete beams

A Marí, J Bairán, A Cladera, E Oller, C Ribas
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (11), 1399-1419 (2015)


Predicting the shear–flexural strength of slender reinforced concrete T and I shaped beams

A Cladera, A Marí, C Ribas, J Bairán, E Oller
Engineering Structures 101, 386-398 (2015)


Influence of the longitudinal reinforcement on the shear strength of one-way concrete slabs

M Gurutzeaga, E Oller, C Ribas, A Cladera, A Marí
Materials and Structures 48 (8), 2597-2612 (2015)


An assessment of the relationship between embodied and thermal energy demands in dwellings in a Mediterranean climate

B Rosselló-Batle, C Ribas, A Moià-Pol, V Martínez-Moll
Energy and Buildings 109, 230-244 (2015)


The compression chord capacity model for the shear design and assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams

A Cladera, A Marí, JM Bairán, C Ribas, E Oller, N Duarte
Structural Concrete 17 (6), 1017-1032 (2016)

Experimental study on concrete beams reinforced with pseudoelastic Ni-Ti continuous rectangular spiral reinforcement failing in shear

B Mas, A Cladera, C Ribas
Engineering Structures 127, 759-768 (2016)


Fundamentos y aplicaciones piloto de las aleaciones con memoria de forma para su utilización en ingeniería estructural

B Mas, A Cladera, C Ribas
Hormigón y Acero 67 (280), 309-323 (2016)

Influence of flanges on the shear‐carrying capacity of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement

CR Ribas González, M Fernández Ruiz
Structural Concrete (2017)
One-Way Shear Design Method Based on a Multi-Action Model
A Cladera, A Marí, JM Bairán, E Oller, C Ribas
Concrete International 39 (9), 40-46 (2017)





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