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Dr Catalina Maria Torres Figuerola

Dr Catalina Maria Torres Figuerola
Senior lecturer
Applied Economics
  • Despatx DB254segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Since 2019, Catalina M. Torres is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics of the UIB, with which she is linked as a teacher and researcher since 2008. Graduated in Business Administration and Management (2003) and Economics (2007), in 2009 she obtained a European PhD in Environmental Economics in the framework of the Official Doctoral Programme of the UIB in Economics and Law, with mention of quality, after having completed the International Master in Economics of Tourism and the Environment (2005).

She has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses both nationally and internationally, and his research originally focused on the economic valuation of the environment and Cost-Benefit Analysis in the context of marine and coastal ecosystems. In this sense, she carried out several research stays at the University of Stirling and the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), where she worked, among others, on projects funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology of Scotland; she participated in different research projects at European, national and regional level; she presented papers at numerous national and international conferences; and she published several articles in specialised journals in the field of environmental economics.

Her concern for the scarce incidence that studies on the economic valuation of the environment have on the protection of nature, given that the number of these studies is growing in parallel with the planetary ecological degradation, led her to initiate, in recent years, a line of research on the critical analysis of environmental economics and to introduce herself into the study of disciplines that, from broader approaches, also analyse the relationship between nature and the economy as well as the causes of environmental degradation and the mechanisms necessary to tackle it, such as ecological, institutional and ecofeminist economics. In this context, she also devotes research efforts to analysing the role of the socio-economic metabolism of industrial civilisation in the current socioecological crisis.

Since December 2017, she is secretary of the Interdisciplinary Lab on Climate Change of the UIB (LINCC UIB) and, since June 2021, member of the Board of Directors of the state Association of Critical Economics.

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Office Hours

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Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11490 - Economic Principles of Evaluation
  • Master's in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2019-20
20521 - Environmental Economics in Tourist Areas
20531 - Final Degree Project in Tourism
20629 - Final Degree Project in Economics
21222 - Final Degree Project in Business Administration
  • Degree in Business Administration2023-24
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law2023-24
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2020-21, 2023-24

Guest professor

  • Guest Professor at the University of Stirling, Scotland, to teach the economic valuation part of the Postgraduate Module "Environmental Economics" (October 2017).
  • Guest Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway, to give the seminar "The role of economic valuation/ECBA in coastal and marine decision-making" as a part of the Postgraduate course "Project Evaluation and Environmental Valuation" (March 2016).
  • Guest Professor at the University of Stirling, Scotland, to teach the economic valuation part of the Postgraduate Module "Environmental Economics" (October 2015).

Teaching innovation

Organization of conferences within the framework of the course "Environmental economics in tourist areas" at the Tourism Faculty:

  • Annual conference on Fair Trade, given by the coordinator of educational activities of S'Altra Senalla, Mr. Carles Valentí, since the 2014-15 course.
  • Conference "Balearic Sustainable Tourist Tax", given by the Director of the Tax Agency of the Balearic Islands, Mrs.M. Antònia Truyols (2016-17 course).
  • Conferences "Tourism vs. climate change: an overview from an integrated risk management perspective" and "Coastal Integrated Management", given by Mrs. Ofelia Pérez, Director of the Centro de Estudios Multidisciplinarios de Zonas Costeras at the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, and Mrs. Isabel Poveda, professor at the same centre, respectively (2015-16 course).
  • Conference "Education for Development" given by Mrs. Aina Gayà and Mrs. Ruth Escribano of the Agency for Cooperation for Development and Solidairty of the UIB (2014-15 course).


Research groups

Group Membership type
Economic analysis of the impact of tourism (AEIT) Member

Journal articles

Torres, C.M; Hanley, N. (2017). Communicating research on the economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services. Marine Policy, 75: 99-107.

Torres, C.M; Faccioli, M.; Riera, A. (2017). Waiting or acting now? The effect on willingness-to-pay of delivering inherent uncertainty information in choice experiments. Ecological Economics, 131: 231-240.

Faccioli, M.; Hanley, N.; Torres, C.M.; Riera, A. (2016). Do we care about sustainability? An analysis of time sensitivity of social preferences under environmental time-persistent effects. Journal of Environmental Management, 177: 356-364.

Faccioli, M.; Riera, A.; Torres, C.M. (2015). Valuing the recreational benefits of wetland adaptation to climate change: a trade-off between species’ abundance and diversity. Environmental Management, 55(3): 550-563.

Bujosa, A.; Riera, A.; Torres, C.M. (2015). Valuing tourism demand attributes to guide climate change adaptation measures efficiently: the case of the Spanish domestic travel market. Tourism Management, 47: 233-239.

Torres, C.M.; Colombo, S.; Hanley, N. (2014). Incorrectly accounting for taste heterogeneity in choice experiments: Implications for welfare measurement. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 14 (2): 97-121.

Torres, C. M.; Hanley, N.; Riera, A. (2011). How wrong can you be? Implications of incorrect utility function specification for welfare measurement in choice experiments. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 62: 111-121.

Torres, C. M.; Riera, A.; García, D. (2009). Are preferences for water quality different for second-home residents? Tourism Economics (The Business and Finance of Tourism and Recreation), 15 (3): 629-651.

Research stays

  • Research stay at the University of Stirling, Scotland, by the end of 2017 (2 months).
  • Research stay at the University of Stirling and the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, within the framework of a Visiting Research Fellowship funded by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology of Scotland between 2015 and 2016 (5 months).
  • Research stay at the University of Stirling, Scotland, by the end of 2014 (2 months).
  • Research stay at the University of Stirling, Scotland, within the framework of a Visiting Research Fellowship funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh between 2013 and 2014 (5 months).
  • Research stay at the University of Stirling, Scotland, within the framework of a European Doctorate by the end of 2008 (3,5 months).


Academic positions

  • Secretary of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Climate Change of the UIB (LINCC UIB) since December 2017.
  • Secretary of the Applied Economics Department of the UIB between February 2016 and October 2017.




  • Coordinator of the Environmental Commission of the Jovellanos Building of the UIB from December 2016 to September 2017.
  • Coordinator of the UNESCO/Sa Nostra Chair for Business Management and the Environment from 2010 to 2017.
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