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Dr Joana Maria Seguí Pons

Dr Joana Maria Seguí Pons
Full professor
Human geography


Brief CV

Doctor in Geography since 1987 and Full Professor of Human Geography at the University of the Balearic Islands, since 2001. Visiting professor at the Université du Quebec à Montréal (UQAM) (Canada), in the 2005-2006 academic year. Its priority lines of research are mobility, equity and sustainability in transport. She is co-director Càtedra de la Insularitat UIB-GOIB, from 2023, director of the Interdisciplinary Mobility Observatory of the Balearic Islands (OIMO), from 2021. Principal Research of the Tourism, Mobility and Territory Research Group (GITMOT). Since 2012, she has carried out the Scientific Coordination, and is the author, of the Transport and Communications Thematic Groups of the National Atlas of Spain of the ANEXXI NETWORK: National Geographic Institute (IGN). IP of the UIB of the European project Dynamic citizens & active for sustainable Mobility (2012-2016).Researcher: El papel de la hiperproximidad y la movilidad sostenible en la transición ecológica (PROXIMOV), 2022-2024; Herramientas cartográficas para la gestión sostenible de la movilidad urbana (MobiTools) (2023-2025) PDC, Territorios para la movilidad activa en España. MOVACTES (2021-2023), Pruebas de Concepto. Eléctricos, ligeros y compartidos. La micromovilidad en España y sus implicaciones ambientales, sociales y de salud. Un enfocamiento multi-método con gis, tracking y acelerometría. 2019-2022.Tecnologías y Open data para el análisis y gestión de la movilidad turística en Baleares. 2020-2023. Movilidad cotidiana activa y saludable en entornos urbanos de proximidad. Enfoques multimetodológicos: tracking living labs, encuestas de movilidad y estudios cualitativos, MINECO (2016-19); La movilidad cotidiana y las dinámicas de proximidad. Un enfocamiento territorial, social y medioambiental MINECO (2014-2016). IP Transports, tourisme et Articulation territoriale: la Diversification et Monoculture à Québec (Canada) et aux Îles Baléares (Espagne). Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Canadá. Ottawa. 2005-2006. Member of the Committee of Experts of the Green Book on the Information Society (2002), Govern Balear. Member of the Serra Tramutana Expert Committee, 2019-; Club of Rome member, Balearic chapter. IEC numerary member. Author and/or editor of twelve books. Transport Geography (2004); Spatial Analysis Practices (1995); Geography of Transport Networks and Systems (1991) and Human Geography of the Balearic Islands (1989). Developing 'Mobility 2.0' systems and services, 2015, USB; Implementing city and citizen friendly electric vehicles, 2014, USB; Engaging in dynamic dialogue for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP), 2013, USB.Author of more than forty chapters in: The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: First wave: of the first cases at the end of June 2020. Mobility. ANNEXI NETWORK. National Geographic Institute (2021). National Atlas of Spain of the 21st century. Transport and Communications Systems. Chapter 17 and 18. National Geographic Institute. ANNEXI NETWORK (2018). Advanced Concepts, methodologies and Technologies for Transportation and Logistics (2017); Le monde dans tous ses états: una approche géographique (2016); Dictionary of Applied Geography (2016) Dictionary of Applied and Professional Geography (2015); Circulaçao, transport and logistics. Different Perspectives (2011); Business areas, industrial land and logistics: analysis and processes in the territory (2011); Regional Policies in Europe 1999. New Challenges, New Opportunities (2000); Developments in telecommunications: Between Global and Local (1997); Cognitive aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for Geographic Information Systems (1995).She is the author of over a hundred journal articles: Land, Smart Cities, Data, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, Revue Géotransports, Heliyon, Geohealth, Sud-Ouest européen, Journal of Geoinformation, Sustainability, Journal of Transport Geography, Eure, Geographical Studies, Bulletin of the Association of Spanish Geographers, Scripta Nova, Transport and Territory, Organizations et Territoires, NETCOM, Geofocus, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Cahiers de Géographie de l'Université du Quebec; Current Issues of Tourism Research. More than 100 works (lectures or communications) in national and international colloquiums throughout her academic and research career, most of them published.

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Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
02/09/2024 31/07/2025 Tuesday 19.00 20.30 DESPATX 8, Beatriu de PInós

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21115 - Geography of Transport and Communications
21132 - Final Degree Project in Geography
21135 - Transport Planning
21142 - Planning of Services
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