Researcher Library: an essential tool for the academic community
Alongside teaching, research is an essential pillar of the UIB in positioning itself as a benchmark in international rankings. There is no future without education. Nonetheless, without research we cannot continue either as an educational community or as a society. This is why the Library and Documentation Service is not only a key support for students but also offers tools for researchers.
Electronic resources collection
We have an extensive catalogue of electronic resources with an intuitive search engine that enables you to find what you are looking for in our database. Here at the Library and Documentation Service we are committed to your experience in using our tools and can guide you through the entire process. This is why we have created useful guides for most processes you will need to do in our section. Here is an example of our database search guide. E-books, online journals, thematic guides... You will find everything you could ever imagine in the Researcher Library.
All the tools needed to write successful academic work
Whether you are a student or a researcher, academic work is the basis for the research you need to do to then present it in a document or paper for submission. Our job is to provide you with all the tools and guidelines so that you can write your academic work in complete confidence. You will learn how to correctly cite a bibliography, keep updated on the plagiarism policy and properly write academic work.
Discover everything the Researcher Library can do for you
Everything we have mentioned and more can be found on the Researcher Library website. Bibliometrics, copyright and open access, publication and dissemination of scientific work, inter-library loans or the research and acquisitions services area are included in this useful service for the entire academic community. Take a look and see how the UIB can help you successfully achieve all your goals. We are here for you.
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