Master's Degree in General Health Psychology

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.

General information about Master's external internships

External placements are a training activity undertaken by university students and supervised by the UIB. Their aim is for students to be able to apply and supplement the knowledge they have acquired during their academic training, pick up skills that will prepare them for professional work and help bolster their employability.

Placements may be done at domestic and international companies, organisations and institutions, including the UIB itself, in accordance with the relevant curriculum.

Given the training nature of placements, in no way do they include the obligations inherent to an employment contract, as they are strictly for learning purposes.

They may be categorised into two types:

  1. External curricular placements. These are subjects included on the curricula of official master's programmes at the UIB, similar to the external placement subjects on undergraduate degree programmes. The activities are organised by each degree programme in accordance with the guidelines and supervision of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies
  2. External extracurricular placements. These types of placements are voluntary for students and run during their learning programme. In order to undertake extracurricular placements, students must be enrolled on an official postgraduate or UIB-specific programme. In the event that the master's degree has a curricular placement subject, students may request extracurricular placements be accredited. This should be requested before the end of the academic year when the placements ran. Extracurricular placements are managed by the DOIP (see section: 'Are you looking for work/placements at companies?').

The placement agreement and appendix must be signed by all participating parties before students begin their placement.

You may view the list of businesses with placement agreements for this programme through the following search engine.

For further information, please see the specific 'practicum' or 'external placements' subject course guides for each programme, contact the degree management team and read the following supplementary documents: