Master's Degree in Construction and Architectural Renovation

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.
Branch of Knowledge Engineering and Architecture
Academic management Dr. Juan Muñoz Gomila
The centre's academic calendar
Spots for new students
Credits 72
Teaching method


Campus Mallorca
Catalan, Spanish (See subjects for more details)
Price Public price per credit, 1st registration 28,45¤
Total cost: 2.102,47 ¤ (*)(**)
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  (*) Price applicable to citizens of member states of the European Union and Spanish residents. In all other cases, a 30% increase is applied ( more information about proof of residency ).
The cost column is solely illustrative, because both taxes or discounts can apply
(**) Additional information about price

Huge changes have taken place in recent years in construction due to the need to preserve and renovate existing buildings, in addition to introducing new techniques and advanced technologies to improve energy approaches in all interventions in this area. A commitment to regenerate and renovate existing buildings instead of new constructions is a fundamental challenge in today’s society. Society is currently facing the task of contributing to economic progress without overlooking the requirements of sustainable urban development, where regulation is necessary to combine a set of different factors: the environment, quality of life, energy efficiency, service provision, social cohesion, etc. These changes have led to the job market requiring highly qualified technicians in the field of construction and architectural regeneration.

The need to boost professional knowledge in the construction sector justifies this master’s programme that will look at current legislation and regulations on renovation, as well as more advanced and innovative processes that have been developed in the field of construction over the last decade. Specifically, the programme will cover:

  • Analysing current building systems and the introduction of advanced construction solutions in renovation, diagnosing building damage and how it is remedied through advanced techniques.
  • Analysing and improving universal accessibility.
  • Analysing the safety conditions of structural elements and intervening to ensure building stability and mechanical resistance.
  • Analysing the space surrounding buildings and facilities, rolling-out advanced solutions for installation services and energy improvements in buildings through the use of clean, renewable energy sources.
  • Advanced management of buildings to be renovated through Building Information Modelling (BIM).
  • Specific legislation and procedures for building regeneration and renovation applications.
In collaboration with:

Logo Conselleria - Direcció General d'Habitatge i Arquitectura

Logo Conselleria de Transició Energètica, Sectors Productius i Memòria Democràtica

Logo Col·legi Oficial d'Aparelladors i Arquitecets Tècnics de Mallorca


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