Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
Academic year 2024-25
Further information on the phase-out process can be found in the Phase-out Process tab on this page.
General information about Master's theses
The Master's Thesis (TFM) comprises the production of an original academic work specifically written for this purpose, where students must individually apply the skills acquired throughout the programme under the supervision of one or more tutors. Depending on the profiles for each curriculum, the thesis shall enable the assessment of students' professional, educational and/or initial research abilities.
The information below covers each of the stages in TFM academic and administrative management in accordance with the Agreement of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies Management Committee whereby the internal regulations for writing and assessing master's theses at the University of the Balearic Islands are approved and which came into force in the 2020-21 academic year.
Master's Thesis Registration
Students must register for the TFM subject within the registration or extended registration deadlines set by the CEP before being able to move on to the next stages in the process. In turn, each degree may set the conditions and requirements to be fulfilled by students for registration on the TFM (where applicable, these requirements shall be stated in the TFM course guide and in the specific information section for each programme).
The maximum number of registrations to pass the TFM subject is four, plus one additional registration which shall be granted by the Centre for Postgraduate Studies management team upon approval by the master's supervisory team.
Where the viva defence of the master's thesis cannot be held in the same academic year as the initial registration year, an annual and consecutive registration may be granted for academic tutoring to undertake the viva defence. The registration for academic tutoring shall count as a second registration and, where students do not pass the TFM after the tutoring period, any subsequent re-registrations shall count as ordinary registrations.
In any event, where students undertake the TFM viva defence and are given a fail mark, they must request an ordinary re-registration and cannot request a registration merely for academic tutoring.
Assigning Proposals and Tutors
Each programme shall publish the list of proposals or general areas where students registered for the programme TFM may undertake their work. The proposals or areas shall state one or several lecturers who can act as tutors.
The proposals shall be assigned in line with the procedure established for each programme (where applicable, this procedure shall be included in the specific information section for each programme) and it is the responsibility of all tutors to ensure the academic quality of the TFMs.
Undertaking Theses at Collaborating Organisations
Theses may be undertaken at collaborating organisations that have signed an agreement with the UIB (agreement template). The thesis topic must be submitted beforehand to <>.
Students who undertake their theses at a collaborating organisation shall be selected in accordance with the terms for the relevant selection procedure set out in the agreement appendix, and as per available spots at each organisation.
The collaborating organisation will appoint a programme coordinator for the entire duration of the stay. The coordinator shall ensure students receive a suitable welcome and training, as well as appropriate management over their academic activities.
In turn, the UIB will appoint a tutor to ensure the academic quality of the thesis.
Ownership of any intellectual or industrial property rights arising from the thesis shall be governed as per the relevant current regulations. Where applicable, what is set out in the agreements signed with public or private institutions which have provided funding or contributed to the implementation of these agreements shall also apply.
Registration of the Master's Thesis Project
Registering for the TFM represents a learning contract between students and the tutor(s).
Once the TFM proposal is assigned to students, they shall formalise the registration of their master's thesis project within the deadlines set for each degree programme (please see the specific information section for the programme) via the following application: which enables students to monitor their request.
Please bear in mind that the registration application should:
- State the provisional project title (without the use of capital letters except where necessary)
- State the tutor(s) name and surname(s), as well as their correct e-mail address (this should be checked carefully as this is the communication method where tutors shall accept tutoring of the TFM to finalise registration of the project)
- Include an attached thesis script in PDF format not surpassing 100MB.
Submission of the Master's Thesis
TFM submission is deemed to be a thesis assessment request made by students.
The TFM may be submitted within the deadlines set for each programme (please see the specific information section for each programme) as long as the students' registration application has been accepted and they have paid the registration and admin fees.
Submission comprises a two-step process. Firstly, students must submit an assessment request over the following application:, where they will be able to monitor the entire process.
You need to take the following into account when filling in the form:
- The thesis report must be attached in PDF format as per the regulations set for each programme (and not surpass 100MB in size)
- The thesis cover must follow the format for the
Master's Thesis Cover [en]
Portada del TFM [ca]
Portada del TFM [es] - Where the thesis contains appendices in other formats (audio, video, etc.) that cannot be included in the PDF report, these shall also be attached to the electronic request form
- Students must also fill in the TFM distribution licence to state whether they accept their work being available as open access or not in the institutional repository for public consultation.
The second necessary step to complete TFM submission comprises depositing the thesis in PDF format (in exactly the same manner as mentioned in the previous point) in the task section that the TFM supervisor has enabled for this purpose in the programme's TFM subject area on Aula Digital. The thesis shall be checked through plagiarism detection tools and a report produced and made available to each tutor and panel member when accepting the TFM submission, as well as in the assessment process by the panel.
Master's Thesis Viva Defence
The TFM presentation and defence must be a public event where students make an oral presentation before a minimum three-person panel comprising the chair, secretary and one further member. Once the presentation is finished, the panel will open a Q&A session on aspects linked to the thesis.
The TFM viva defence shall be run within the deadlines set for each programme (please see the specific information section for each programme). In order to undertake the TFM viva, students must have passed all other necessary credits to be awarded the degree. Notwithstanding the above, students may defend their TFM with a maximum of one subject still to be passed, where this is allowed by the specific regulations for the TFM on the programme published on the respective website (please see the specific information section for the programme).
The programme may designate one or several TFM panels. Where the programme designates a specific panel for each TFM, this must be done within a maximum deadline of ten working days from the official submission date of the thesis. Once the designation is notified, the chair of the panel (or head of the TFM or programme management) shall convene the other members, tutor(s) and student to present and defend the thesis within ten working days at most.
In exceptional circumstances where the TFM contains information that could be deemed confidential, the presentation and viva procedure may be modified as per what is set out in article 10 of the Regulations for writing and assessing master's theses at the University of the Balearic Islands. In order for the TFM specifications subject to data or results protection processes to apply, students or tutors must make a reasoned request addressed to the CEP at the time of submission.
Master's Thesis Assessment
Each programme shall establish its TFM assessment criteria, which shall be made public every academic year and be taken into account by the panel when grading the TFM (please see the specific information section for each programme). Once the TFM presentation and viva are finalised, the panel shall deliberate on students' attainment level and then award a mark for the thesis, which shall be included in students' academic records.
Resources on Academic Plagiarism, Turnitin and AI.
Web resources from the UIB library: Definition, regulations and other topics related to plagiarism and how to avoid it.
Integridad académica y plagio (Academic integrity, plagiarism and how to include the ideas of others into our work): Author: González Teruel, Aurora - Date: 2019 - (Educational Innovation, University of Valencia) Video on YouTube
Information about accessing Turnitin reports: UIB Turnitin Webinar.
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI Models and Systems such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT for Higher Education: PDF
Resources for Master's Thesis Tutors
Since the first step to check for plagiarism comes from those tutoring theses, tutors are recommended to review the 'Resources on Academic Plagiarism and Turnitin' section on this website.
Specific information about theses for the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
Defended Master's thesis
Link to the institutional repository (DSPACE)
- Análisis de la correspondencia técnica, normativa y legal de las protecciones contra las sobretensiones en instalaciones de baja tensión
- Diseño de la instalación eléctrica de un hotel en Puerto Morelos, México, usando la normativa NOM-001-SEDE-2012 e IEC para los tableros eléctricos
- Diseño de un building management system con protocolo KNX para un hotel
- Diseño y evaluación experimental de estrategias de búsqueda para BattleBots
- Disseny d?_?un procés de tractament d?_?aigües de rentat de banys galvànics
- Disseny i implementació d?_?una plataforma de monitorització de medicaments termolàbils a través de xarxes de comunicació inalàmbriques
- Estudio de instalaciones en una finca en el municipio de Palma: automatización del riego, climatización de una piscina, instalación de suelo radiante y modificación de la instalación ACS en una vivienda unifamiliar basada en energías renovables
- Instal·lacions electro/ mecàniques per a un taller de manteniment/ reparació de vehicles
- Instalaciones en agroturismo de Felanitx
- Potencial d?_?Hidrogen Renovable en Establiments Hotelers amb 100% d?_?energies renovables
- Projecte d?_?instal·lacions d?_?un habitatge unifamiliar aïllat amb piscina
- Proyecto de instalaciones en vivienda unifamiliar aislada
- Deep learning aplicado a la detección de robos de energía
- Development of a flexural structural reinforcement technology based on iron-based shape memory alloys (Fe-SMA) optimized for using with cyclic overloads for existing concrete structures
- Dimensionament i execució d'un tractament terciari en l'EDAR Manacor
- Diseño, fabricación y puesta a punto de un banco de ensayos para la caracterización de motores de 2 tiempos rápidos y de pequeña cilindrada
- Diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica conectada a red para autoconsumo
- Diseño y cálculo de construcción de un complejo industrial
- Estudio, generalización y mejora de los campos de potencial artificiales y su aplicación a la planificación de caminos para robots móviles
- Evolución de la demanda eléctrica asociada al despliegue del vehículo eléctrico en la isla de Mallorca, para el año 2030
- Instal·lacions tèrmiques i hidràuliques d'un hotel de 5 estrelles a Cabo Verde
- Proyecto de instalación contra incendios, instalación eléctrica e instalación de climatización y ventilación de actividad permanente mayor destinada a centro médico sin hospitalización
- Proyecto eléctrico y fotovoltaico de un edificio plurifamiliar
- Anàlisi de viabilitat d'alternatives pel tractament de pneumàtics al final de la seva vida útil (PFVU) generats a les Illes Balears
- Corrosión de estructuras de hormigón armado y su efecto sobre la resistencia a cortante
- Desarrollo de una herramienta para automatizar la creación de modelos de fiabilidad para sistemas empotrados de control distribuido
- Diseño de un túnel de agua para visualización de flujo
- Disseny de programes per a la simulació de plantes d'autoconsum, estudi de viabilitat i l'aplicació a un cas pràctic
- Disseny d?_?un sistema de dosificació per substàncies d?_?alta viscositat
- Estudio de viabilidad de una central hidroeléctrica para el aprovechamiento de la energía potencial que presenta el agua almacenada en los embalses de Gorg Blau y Cúber
- Estudio e implementación del algoritmo probabilístico de planificación de caminos SFF, y su aplicación a la resolución del problema del viajante de comercio
- Herramienta numérica para la detección de fases en redes de distribución de baja tensión
- Modelo de predicción a corto plazo del precio de la electricidad para el mercado eléctrico Ibérico, basado en el uso de técnicas de Machine-Learning
- Proposta urbanística, arquitectònica, constructiva i estructural d'un complex industrial a Palma
- Proyecto de edificación para exposición, venta y reparación de embarcaciones neumáticas
- Proyecto de mejora de instalaciones de un hotel
- Análisis bibliométrico sobre eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad en el ámbito del turismo
- Análisis de integración de un departamento de ingeniería en una pequeña empresa instaladora
- Cálculo y análisis de huella de carbono en el sector hotelero balear
- Desarrollo y evaluación de un sistema de identificación digital basado en tecnología blockchain para la industria del turismo
- Diseño e instalación de una BMS en el edificio residencial público de Amadip en Inca
- Eina numèrica per a l'estudi de l'impacte de l'autoconsum fotovoltaic en entorns urbans
- Estudio de eficiencia energética de Ses Cases des Mestres, edificio público de Santa Maria del Camí
- Estudio y diseño mecánico de un grupo de cogeneración de alta eficiencia basado en el uso de un motor gas natural en combinación con un ciclo orgánico Rankine para su implantación en México
- Evaluación experimental de diversos algoritmos de superpíxeles para el reconocimiento de escenas
- Implantació i explotació d'un Sistema de Telegestió en una xarxa de distribució de baixa tensió
- Incorporación de métricas difusas en el algoritmo RANSAC: implementación y análisis de comportamiento
- Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning applied to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning in a Building Energy Management System
- Proposta urbanística, arquitectònica, constructiva i estructural d'una nau industrial a Palma de Mallorca
- Proyecto de línia de media tension, centro de transformación y red de baja tensión
- Recuperació energètica mitjançant turbines hidràuliques en una xarxa municipal d'aigua potable
- Simulación de una planta fotovoltaica para producir hidrógeno aplicado a usos ferroviarios y marítimos: Caso de estudio en la isla de Mallorca
- Simulador Gàstric Humà: Disseny d'un digestor centrat en la replicació del peristaltisme
- Clasificación de emociones a partir de señales EEG con redes neuronales
- Proposta de xarxa de sensors en topologia bus basada en LoRaWAN per una IoT en les línies de transport elèctric
- Proyecto constructivo e instalaciones de un concesionario de coches
- Proyecto de reforma de un hotel: instalaciones eléctricas y plan de autoprotección
- Dimensionamiento de la instalación geotérmica para la climatización de un hotel de 4 estrellas
- Disseny, implementació i avaluació d'un sistema d'enrutament de vehicles
- Estudi d’optimització de subministres energètics en un bloc d’habitatges. Electricitat versus Gas Natural
- Estudio de la idoneidad del Stream Reservation Protocol para dar soporte a Sistemas Empotrados Distribuidos Críticos Adaptativos
- Estudio de viabilidad de la instalación de solar térmica en un hotel con trigeneración
- Evaluación y comparación de algoritmos de posicionamiento basados en tecnología Ultra-Wide-Band
- Instalación climática mediante geotermia en un hotel de 4 estrellas
- Mando multimodal para el estudio de neuropatologías
- Mejora TFG-Desarrollo de una unidad “Pan-Tilt” para el seguimiento visual de objetivos.
- Reconocimiento Visual de Escenas en Entornos Multi-Robot
- Design and control of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle to improve Link Communications
- Deslastrador BT: diseño e implementación de un sistema “Smart” para la optimización de la potencia contratada en Baja Tensión
- Diseño de un sistema de almacenamiento de datos a largo plazo.